
The Path to Authentic Creativity

*A working theory.* First discovered in my therapy practice, then applied to the creative process.

This is an unscripted, unplanned, unedited workshop. Who am I kidding?! It’s not a workshop at all. It’s a video I recorded in between sessions one day to send to a friend who is a seasoned wedding photographer and business coach for folks in his industry. I wanted to let him in on the raw thoughts of this working theory I have about authentic creativity.

And now I’m deciding to let you in on it too.

*This is not an evidence-based concept but a mere theory of which the validity thus far is some of my friends saying a version of “Man, I so relate to that!"*

Brief overview of the theory discussed in the video:

As a counselor I’m often noticing themes and patterns in my clients. A little over a year ago, I started to notice two different patterns that would bring people into my office. And we would work together on developing this new pattern, or way of being, that would ideally lead them toward growth and healing.

Even if people came in for varying reasons, I was finding they could be categorized into these two patterns. Then, one morning on my long commute to my old office it hit me. “I wonder if this applies to the creative process too?” I thought to myself.

I jotted it down in my notes app and have returned to it multiple times since then. Pondering it, talking with friends about their experience, and paying closer attention to the patterns in my own creative process.

The paths in their un-edited too many words from the day I jotted them down in the notes app form:

1.) Inspiration/Idea > Excitement > Fear and/or Shame > excitement snuffed and idea shut down. 

2.) Inspiration/Idea > Excitement > Fear and/or Shame > Energy spent attempting to ignore those feelings and create anyway > Burnout, lack of boundaries, disconnection from Self.

You’ll have to watch the video to learn about the 3rd “ideal” path to authentic creativity. And I won’t even make you become a paid subscriber to watch it :) Just leave a comment and tell me your thoughts and share it with someone.

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